Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pirates n Pistols by Chris Mould

Hi my name is Ben Morris  and I felt that the book Pirates n Pistols was more leaned towards an older age group. I felt this because of the illustrations. They look as if you intended for maybe grade 7.  This troubles me because I have cousins that are in grade 2 and in Kindergarten and frankly, they would be SCARED by these images.
The illustrations were great:  I liked the sketched design of them and all the bright use of colour.  I liked the stories in the book-- they were not too hard but just hard enough. I love ancient myths and this book is full of myths. Pirates n Pistols is a great book full of great stories. I would recommend this book, but to an older age group.


  1. Hi Ben, I agree this book is for older children. This short list is for illustrations not just picture books. I like the fact that we can still enjoy pictures when we are older. Would you ever choose to read a book with pictures in? I still enjoy reading picture books :) I agree I would not show this to a younger child as they could get scared.

    Did you read cross legged Jack? Notre Dame have reviewed that one so have a look and give them a comment.

  2. hey Ben

    we like the illustrations but agree that some children may be scared.
    We watched a video that had the illustrator telling us how he created the pictures He said he used black car paint spray

    this is the link to watch:


    Sofia and Anya
